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To make it easier to picture the various warblers in the wild, browse the images below.


The prothonotary warbler (prothonotaria citrea) can be found in the summer in the hardwood swamps and bottomland forests of extreme southeastern Ontario, Canada the the northeastern United States. During the winter it migrates to the southeastern United States, around to Mexico, Central America, northern South America and the West Indies.where it can be found in mangrove forests as well as wooded swamps and bottomland forests.


The black and white warbler (mniotilta varia) is a migratory songbird that can be found from northern Canada, through the mid-west and eastern United States, Mexico, Central America, northern South America and the West Indies. They prefer deciduous forests and mixed forests with conifers but look for them in mangroves, yards and plantations during their winter migration. They are gound nesters, building their nests at the bases of trees, stumps, next to fallen logs, or under brush or shrubs, in leaf litter.


The palm warbler (setophaga palmarum) can usually be found walking mostly on the ground wagging its tail up and down. Look for them in low shrubs and open areas with isolated trees in the eastern United States and Canada to the Canadian plains and down into the Caribbean. They will be in weedy fields, along forest edges and fence rows. They breed in Canada in the summer and migrate south for the winter.

Mossy Perch

A yellow-rumped warbler searches for food on an early March morning in Tampa, Florida's Lettuce Lake Park from its perch on a mossy cypress knee.

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Warbler Wobble

On an early March miorning, a yellow-rumped warbler tries to get something to eat while vacationing in Tampa, Florida's Lettuce Lake Park. searching through the water plants at the base of a cypress tree, it hopes to find its next meal.

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Yellow-Rumped Warbler

On an early February morning in Tampa, Florida's Lettuce Lake Park, a yellow-rumped warbler searches for its next meal.

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Sunlight Becomes You

On an early February morning in Tampa, Florida's Lettuce Lake Park, a yellow-rumped warbler searches for its next meal.

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A Hint Of Yellow

On an early February morning in Tampa, Florida's Lettuce Lake Park, a yellow-rumped warbler searches for its next meal.

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Yellow-Throated Warbler

On a cool February day this yellow-throated warbler searches through the branches of the trees surrounding the oxbow in Tampa, Florida's Lettuce Lake Park searching for a meal. Located in Hillsborough County, this park offers a great place to get away from the everyday bustle of city life.

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Calling For Reinforcements

A warbler at Lettuce Lake Park in Tampa, Florida calls to others in its flock.

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The Poser

A prothonotary warbler sits on a branch in Lettuce Lake Park in Tampa, Florida. It was a breezy day and it sat on that branch for about five minutes, which is extremely unusual for a warble. They are usually flitting constantly from one branch to another.

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Northern Waterthrush

A northern waterthrush )is perched in branches beside one of the ponds in the Circle B Bar Preserve in Lakeland, Florida.

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Posing Black And White Warbler

A black and white warbler hanging out at Lettuce Lake Park in Tampa, Florida.

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Prothonotary Warbler

Prothonotary warbler singing at Lettuce Lake Park in Tampa, Florida.

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Northern Parula on Branch

The northern parula can usually be found in Tampa Florida's Lettuce lake Park in the spring.

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