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Other Birds

To make it easier to picture various types of birds in the wild, browse the images below.


The northern cardinal (cardinalis cardinalis) is a medium sized perching bird whose range extends from southern Canada through the eastern and central United States, across to Texas, New Mexico and Arizona, and down into Mexico, northern Guatemala and Belize. They can be found in gardens, open woods, swamps and fields with small shrubs.


The tufted titmouse (baeolophus bicolor) is a common bird found in the forests of the eastern United States usually below 2,000 feet in elevation. Look for them in the tree canopies of forests, woods, backyards and parks. They are frequent visitor to bird feeders and often look for the largest seeds. They hoard food in the fall and winter.


The eastern meadowlark (sturnella magna) prefers the grasslands, prairies, pastures and fields of eastern North America and northern South America. It is differentiated from the western meadowlark of the western prairies of the North American continent mainly by its song and some minor coloration differences

Purple Gallinule Hen

A purple gallinule hen walks along the shore of Lake Harris in Leesburg, Florida's city park.

Look for Purple gallinules (porphyrio martinicus) in warm swamps and marshes from the southeastern United States, along the gulf coast of the United States and Mexico, into Central American and the Caribbean, to northern and eastern South America as far south as northern Argentina.They are a bird of warm freshwater wetlands.

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Immature Purple Gallinule

An immature purple gallinule walks along the shore of Lake Harris in Leesburg, Florida's city park.

Look for Purple gallinules (porphyrio martinicus) in warm swamps and marshes from the southeastern United States, along the gulf coast of the United States and Mexico, into Central American and the Caribbean, to northern and eastern South America as far south as northern Argentina.They are a bird of warm freshwater wetlands.

Their large feet, although not webbed or lobed, also allow them to swim like ducks. Purple gallinules are a dark purpleish-blue with a greenish back. They have a dark purple head, neck and undersides with white under a short tail. They have a red triangular bill like a chickens with a yellow tip and a pale blue extension of the upper beak that forms a shield.

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Gray Kingbird

The gray Kingbird, Tyrannus dominisensis, is a tyrant flycatcher and can be found along the edges of savannahs and marshes. It eats mostly insects. You will find them in Florida, the carribbgean and northern South America. This one was beside the Lake Apopka North Shore Wildlife Drive in central Florida.

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Belted Kingfisher

This male belted kingfisher, Megaceryle alcyon, was surveying the wetlands along the Lake Apopka North Shore Wildlife Drive in central Florida. The belted kingfisher nests in burrows along earthen banks and subsists almost entirely on aquatic prey like small fish and crayfish.

You will find them patroling streams and river shorelines as well as lakes and ponds. They are migratory durring the winter and range from Alaska and northern Canada all the way down to the northern edge of South America.

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Swimming Greylags Goose

A greylags goose swims on Lakeland, Florida's Lake Morton.

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American Coot On Lake Morton

An American coot swims on Lakeland, Florida's Lake Morton.

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Shimmering Grebe

A pied-billed grebe forages in one of the canals beside the Lake Apopka North Shore Wildlife Drive in Orange County, Florida.

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Female Northern Cardinal

A female northern cardinal rests on a branch in Tampa, Florida's Lettuce Lake Park.

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Cardinal Red

A northern cardinal searches for food in Tampa, Florida's Lettuce Lake Park.

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Common Gallinule Feeding

A common gallinule feeds in the marshes next to the Lake Apopka North Shore Wildlife Drive in Orange County, Florida.

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Walking On The Pads

A common gallinule walks on the pads in the marshes beside the Lake Apopka North Shore Wildlife Drive in Orange County, Florida.

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Immature Gallinule

This immature common gallinule was alongside the Lake Apopka Northshore Wildlife Drive in Orange County, Florida.

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